Our team of writers and editors are industry leaders who have meticulously crafted OR nursing practice questions and detailed answer explanations with you in mind. Study Modes: See answers as you go or at the end Exam Builder to create customized exams Hundreds of practice questions and detailed rationales The free version offers dozens of practice questions with detailed answer explanations and limited access to the Question of the Day.Ĭhoose your ideal study package to gain access to our proven test bank. We provide a limited free version so you can get a feel for the app before deciding to upgrade. Take your CNOR studies with you, no matter where life takes you. Apps offer the benefit of interaction, which means you’re far more likely to remember a concept you engage with rather than one you’ve only read about. In other words, taking short quizzes on the go is a much more effective means of exam preparation than reading page after page in a textbook. Research has shown that smaller, more frequent study sessions are the key to knowledge retention. Overloading your brain with too much information at once is a common study mistake. * Academics’ Choice “Smart Media” award winner We strive to make studying more efficient by redefining how you prepare for the CNOR exam. Pocket Prep allows you to study anywhere, anytime, right from your mobile device. Pocket Prep is your award-winning tool in mobile learning and exam preparation.